Determiner Adjective Noun (a novel)

It's The Great Gatsby, but each word has been replaced by it's corresponding part of speech. Punctuation, capitalization, formatting remain intact.

Read Determiner Adjective Noun

For reference, here's the original text.

The Online Keyboard Rhythm Game

Each level of this game uses a YouTube video for the audio. Turn up the volume and see how high a score you can get.

Levels I've choreographed

(from easiest to hardest)

Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Keyboard Cat Song 2 Halt and Catch Fire Theme

Community Leaderboard, as of 6-13-19

GoT opening sung by a cat

by hengde (21 plays)

Budget Blinds Jingle

by Drew Stone (14 plays)

Create your own level here:

Create a Level

Vim Motion Graphics

Move with HJKL, vim-style. Can also move 5 units w/ B and N.

Not really too much going on, but just wanting to put this here, that's all.

So if you're a vim nerd and you want to try it out:

Try the Demo